Siling Lake , is a lake in the Tibet Autonomous Region, to the north of Xainza. Doijiang is located near the lake. Administratively it belongs to Xainza County and Baingoin County of the Nagqu Prefecture.
The temperature at the lake is an annual average of -3 to -0.6°C, the maximum annual temperature 9.4°C. The average rainfall is 290 millimeters per year, 90 percent of which falls in the months of June to September, often in the summer as hail.
The areas of Selincuo Lake are larger than that of Namucuo Lake, and it becomes the largest saltwater lake in Tibet autonomous region now. The increases of air temperature and surface temperature lead to ice and snow melting, permafrost melting, which are the main reasons resulting in the lake rising. The above analysis shows that EOS/MODIS data are suitable to discuss the areas changes of lakes.