
Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Lujiazui of Pudong New District

  Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Lujiazui of Pudong New District, by the side of Huangpu River, opposite the bund;  it is a symbolic landmark of Shanghai. The 468 meters (1,536 feet) tower began from 1991 and finished in 1994; it is the largest TV tower in Asia and the third largest one all round the world only after Toronto's TV Tower of Canada and the Moscow TV tower of Russia.

  There are three superdome spheres including the Space Cabin that is in the height of 350 meters, the upper superdome sphere is in the height of 267 meters, and the lower superdome sphere is in the height of 98 meters. Facing the European-style architectures on the Bund, the other side of the Huangpu River, the tower is with multi-functions for sightseeing, catering, shopping and amusement. There are watching terraces, rotary restaurant, ballroom, piano bar, and guestroom in the air on the floors 263, 271 and 350 meters above the ground respectively. It is a symbolic building and a tourist attraction in Shanghai. The tower can receive 6,000 visitors everyday. It takes only 40 seconds for visitors to enter into the upper superdome sphere, where is an ideal place to have a bird's eye view of the busy and bustling Huangpu River and the Bund.
Oriental Pearl TV Tower is comprehensively used for sightseeing, meeting, exhibition, meals, shopping, amusement and TV & Radio broadcasting. By taking double-decker elevators, visitors can travel up and down the tower and listen to bilingual introduction (Chinese and English) by the elevator attendants.


Pudacuo National Park in Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

  Pudacuo National Park in Deqen Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Yunnan Province maintains the integrity of virgin forest ecoProgram. The Regional Federal government has taken several measures to balance the environment Security and tourism promotion within the Location.More information about China Tours in chinatourguide.com.

  Yunnan Shangri-La’s are each like to Journey who will go to the land of, because of its beauty, its pure conquered all the heart of the bustling city. And at Shangri-La’s there first – pudacuo national forest park in China mainland. Puda measures mainly by a Lake, green tahai, Tong and luorong village in composition. Park has a mirror-like beauty of mountain lakes, water grass pastures, wetlands of the flower, Pets frequented the original forest.
  Adventure investment scheme operated by Promail measures National Park is China the only national parks, Bhuta measures National Park includes an Lake and green tahai, natural Sights. Park’s landscape mostly original, Exclusive, natural, rare and so on, reclamation of not being human, so enter pudacuo, lakes, all natural. Here is the paradise of landscape photography, and nature photographers.


Reed Flute Cave is located in the northwest of Guilin City

  Reed Flute Cave is located in the northwest of Guilin City, 5 kilometers away from the center of the city. It is one of the most extraordinary sceneries in Guilin. These remarkable scenes in the cave could undoubtedly evoke breathless admiration from domestic and foreign visitors. The length of the Reed Flute Cave is 240 meters. According to a legend, Reed Flute Cave got its name because people believed that the reed by the cave's mouth could be made into flutes. Its name is explained by the fact that reeds for making flutes and pipes have been grown in this region since ancient times. More information about China Tours in chinatourguide.com

  The Bright Hill where Reed Flute Cave lies was originally called Maomaotou Hill. It is said that there used to be a small hole halfway on the hillside. The reed grass grew lushly on the hill, which can be made into flute with melodious sound. Hence, the name of the cave was derived.    
At the time of writing, there are two entrances - one for domestic travelers and one for foreign guests. Perhaps foreigners get to pay more, perhaps it is to allow non-Chinese speakers to travel at their own pace. Either way, follow the signs and pay entry. Try to grab one of the large metal flashlights that are available for guides' use if you are not with a guide. It will allow you to turn on the lights inside the cave sections.

  Large tour groups go through the cave and stop at each of the "attractions", e.g. rock formations in the shape of [fill in the blank], all of which are highly lit by artificial neon lights. If you are traveling on your own, you can either tag along with a group or try to go at your own pace. The problem with your own pace is that you may miss things as the lights are timed and turn off automatically after some time. If you have one of the metal torches, you can find the light switch and use this to turn them on yourself.


Elephant Trunk Hill (Xiangbi Shan) is the most famous scenic spot in Guilin City

  Elephant Trunk Hill (Xiangbi Shan) is the most famous scenic spot in Guilin City. Located in where the Li River and Peach Blossom River (Taohua Jiang) merge, the landmark gets its name from its resemblance to an Elephant standing at the river's edge with its trunk in the water. The hill is over 300 million years old and is 55m high, 108m long and 100m wide. It is the symbol of Guilin and a creation of the famous Karst mountain formation.

  On the path that leads to the trunk, you have the option of going up to the top where Puxian Pagoda from the Ming dynasty circa 1400 to 1600 stands. It is a very simple pagoda, shaped like the handle of swords, and appears carved out of rock. Tall trees prevent this from being much of a view point. The legend of how the hill came goes like this: a magic elephant came each night to drink from the Li River. The elephant drank so much that it was drinking the river dry! The king prayed for the elephant's destruction and one night, the gods answered his prayers by thrusting a sword between the elephant's shoulders when he came for his nightly drink. The elephant then turned to stone. The Puxian Pagoda on the top of the hill is the handle the sword that thrusting the elephant.
  The name of Elephant Eye Cave derives from two entrances which are located at what would be the Elephants Eye in the mountain. It is about 2 meter high with a width between 5-10 meters and spans the whole mountain (ca. 50m).


The Hong Kong Museum of History is yet another glittering gem adorning the city

  The Hong Kong Museum of History is yet another glittering gem adorning the city. The museum is a treasure house that exhibits artefacts dating back from the prehistoric times. The museum's exhibits include village house replicas and old photograph collections along with traditional costume displays. The Hong Kong Museum of History also features an entire street replica.

  It is not only an oceanarium but also an animal theme park and marine mammal park. If you are traveling with your family, I strongly recommend you to visit Ocean Park as your kids would love the rides. Other family attractions that are available in the park are Giant panda habitat, dolphins and conservation projects on snakes, crabs and porpoises. If you are taking flights to Hong Kong to get a closer look of the birds, Ocean Park is the best place to visit. Be a part of educational bird show, Emperors of the Sky and know more about the bird species such as turkey vultures, steppes eagles and striated caracaras.
  This destination is the home to a number of skyscrapers which puts it in top of world's rankings. It also holds the third tallest building thus earning a huge reputation. Thus it defines modern architecture with the most attractive skyline giving it a spectacular look. The place is a popular destination for shopping as it has a number of shopping malls and market. All those taking flights to Hong Kong will be amazed to see the varied collection it has.


The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans

  The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet which Tibetans would like to visit and enjoy the beautiful scene.
  Lhasa River as a seasonal river is different from other rivers which can sail normal boats during its dry season for the shoal exposed in the air. However, clever Tibetans make special boats with yak leather and sail on this river without any difficulties.


  The Lhasa River, the mother river for Tibetans, has witnessed the changes in ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the river is famous for its beautiful scenery and is visited by Tibetans. It also serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion of the whole Tibet.
  The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain (5,020 meters about sea level) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo, it is 551 km long and its drainage area covers nearly 30,000 square km.

  As a seasonal river, it is different from other rivers which can sail normal boats during its dry season for the shoal exposed in the air. However, clever Tibetans make special boats with yak leather and sail on this river without any difficulty.


Ramoche Temple is one of the places for Tibetan monks to study Mi Zong

  Situated about a third of a mile north of Jokhang Temple and covering a total area of 43,056 square feet, Ramoche Temple is one of the places for Tibetan monks to study Mi Zong (another Buddhist sect). Although the temple was originally built in the middle of the seventh century, it fell into ruin and went through many reconstructions; at present only the Buddha hall on the first floor of its main building remains in its original state. Inside the hall, there are ten pillars engraved with patterns such as lotus flowers, coiling clouds, and jewelry, which are reminiscent of the Tubo Dynasty. The third floor of the main building was once the bedroom reserved for the Dalai Lama. The building's golden peak, with its Han-style upturned eaves, can be seen from any direction in Lhasa city. This temple is a wonderful example of the combination of Han and Tibetan architectural styles.

  The temple was gutted and partially destroyed In the 1960s and the bronze statue disappeared. In 1983 the lower part of it was said to have been found in a Lhasa rubbish tip, and the upper half in Beijing. They have now been joined and the statue is housed in the Ramoche Temple, which was partially restored in 1986, and still showed severe damage in 1993.
  In the days of King Songtsan Gampo, Ramoche Temple was originally built to house the famous statue of Sakyamuni, now found in the Jokhang, which was originally brought to Tibet by Princess Wen Cheng. Legend has it that when Princess Wen Cheng and her entourage arrived at the North gate of Lhasa, her carriage got stuck in the mud. Her assistants could not remove the statue and so they covered it temporarily with 4 pillars and white brocade. Later, the Princess ordered the construction of Ramoche as a shrine for the statue. Twenty years later, in 652 A.D., the leader of Tibet was concerned with rumors that the Chinese Emperor was considering an invasion of Tibet. As a protection, he moved the Sakyamuni statue from the Ramoche to the Jokhang, and hid it from view. It had remained there ever since. In exchange Ramoche Temple received a smaller bronze statue of Sakyamuni, which has been brought to Tibet by Songtsan Gampo's other wife, the Nepalese Princess Tritsun.


Most people go to Lugu Lake from Lijiang

  Lugu Lake 2690 metres above sea level Situated at the borders In between Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, Addresses an Place of 50 square kilometers with the average water depth of 45 meters and the transparency 11 meters. In the lake there are 5 islands, three peninsulas and a sea- wall islet. Here eQuitething Searchs as if it has not been disturbed by human beings at all and still remains in its primitive state. Boating in the lake, you can Really feel that the surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror and the water as blue as the sky. The slow – canoe in the blue lake, the Fabulous Mosuo Womans in their ethnic Outfits and the Mosuo folk songs will show you something of primitive simplicity and peace. Lugu Lake has the fame of a fabled abode of immortals and “Plateau Pearl" for its pure and virgin land of natural landscapes. The Mosuo people living here still keep their matriarchal society Program.

  Most people go to Lugu Lake from Lijiang. There is a six or eight hour bus ride up and down mountains on narrow dirt roads. The scenery is interesting. Buses pass the Jinsha River. The Jinsha River is the upper Component of the Yangtze River. It is a small river that passes through green canyons. The bus passes through the villages of several minority groups with Many Types of architecture and clothing. The big lake is often deep blue, and it is framed by forests and the sharp peaks of the mountains. 
  The shores of the lake are inhabited by the Mosuo people who have lived there for generations. They have peculiar customs and ways, retaining remnants of matriarchal society. Adult males and women are not united by wedlock, each living at the mother's home respectively, yet keeping a casual cohabitation Romantic relationship. Thus the place is called "A Quaint Realm of Matriarchy".


Mount Everest Base Camp has been a popular destination for trekkers

  Mount Everest Base Camp has been a popular destination for trekkers since the very first expeditions to the Nepalese side of Everest in the 1953. To reach this Component of the Himalaya within a limited time, we have devised a two 7 Day times trek to Everest Base Camp which runs directly to and from Lukla.

  This challenging and rugged adventure, with plenty of time for sensible acclimatisation, Adhere tos the classic route to the Base Camp of Mt Everest and Kala Patar. Starting from Lukla, this Everest trek takes us through the homeland of the Sherpas, where we enjoy their friendly hospitality and Expertise arguably the most dramatic mountain Look ats in the world.
  Everest Base Camp Trek begins with a flight from TIA to Lukla Airport. From Lukla we trek to Phakding then we continue toward Namche. From Namche we trek to Khumjung which is Generally a gradual push up to Kala Patthar and Everest Base Camp spending a Day time at Dingboche or at Pheriche for some spectacular close up Look at of Everest range.  The trek Begins at the upper Phakding and Adhere tos the Dudh Kosi valley which climbs up to the Sherpa capital of Namche, a bustling village that’s a junction for trekkers, the local Sherpa and expeditions en route to the mighty Mt. Everest.


The Forbidden City is located in the center of Beijing and to the north of Tiananmen Square

  The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum (Gugong in Chinese), was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is located in the center of Beijing and to the north of Tiananmen Square. It served as the residence of 24 emperors, and was the political and ceremonial center of Chinese government.

  Construction of the Forbidden City began in relatively modern times, in the year 1406. The construction took an estimated one million workers 14 years to build hundreds of perfect and beautiful buildings. The Forbidden City served as the seat of government for the Ming Dynasty. Today, it is a museum. There are 800 buildings that have in total about 9,000 rooms. The Forbidden City is the world's largest palace complex. Millions of people visit this incredible place each year and gaze in awe. 
  The main frames of all palaces are built of wood. The wooden beams and columns (the column is the upright post; the beam sits on top of the column) are the most important elements, while the walls, using to separate space, are auxiliary structures. Therefore, windows can be designed flexibly and made for different needs. The bracket, using to bearing the weight, is also a typical structure in ancient architecture. In Ming and Qing Dynasty, these capitals were no longer used to support the house and absorb the effects of earthquakes, but only for decoration. Various categories of decorations used leaves people a feeling of mystery.

  Rectangular in shape, construction of the Forbidden City was begun built in 1406, and finished in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty. It covered 74 hectares, and was surrounded by a moat and a 10 meter-high wall; The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern part, or the Outer Court, was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. It consists of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Middle Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. The Hall of Supreme Harmony was where the emperor held ceremonies. The northern part, or the Inner Court, was where the emperor lived with his family. The Forbidden City was listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1987, and is regarded as the largest and best-preserved palace complex in the world.
  On the whole, the Imperial Palace is divided into two parts: front court and back chamber. Not only in the Imperial Palace, the monarch bed chamber of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty is divided like so. Front court of the Imperial Palace mainly includes the 3 palaces of mid-way and the Hall of Lierary Glory (Wenhuadian), the Pailion of the Source of Lierature(Wenyuange), Shang Si Court, Arrow tower, Imperial Hospital, Imerial Teahouse. Qing Embassy and Cabinet Warehouse of east way. And also Yu Ying Palace. Yan An Palace. Intermal Affairs Mansion , Building Office and Nan Xun Palace of west way. Back bedchamber includes Back Three Palaces of mid way (the Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong), the Palace of Union and Peace (Jiaotaidian) and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunninggong).

The Heavenly Lake is tranquil and flat as a mirror

The Heavenly Lake is situated in the descending slope of Bogda Peak of Mt. Tianshan, the center of Xinjiang. It is 1,900 m above sea level, and covers an location of four.9 km2. It's an alpine quake lake formed by ancient glaciers and debris flow. Surrounded by snow peaks, the lake got its source from the melted snow. The lake is tranquil and flat as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding mountain peaks. The Heavenly Lake is actually a well-known tourist attraction in Xinjiang, and you will find pleasure boats available for tourists.

  The ride to Heavenly Lake is only a 3-hour drive from Urumqi. It passes a giant wind-farm, wide rivers, and mountain pastures. From the chair lift ride as much as the lake it is possible to see numerous camps lining the valley below. The lake itself can also be a preferred hiking and camping location. A lot of other entertaining alternatives are obtainable such as strolling around the lake, riding electric carts, or taking a boat ride. However the finest aspect is definitely the marvelous beauty on the entire location as well as the abundant areas for beautiful photo possibilities.

  Situated on the northern side of Bogda Peak of Tianshan Mountains the Heavenly Lake Nature Reserve covers 380-odd square kilometers including 18 contemporary glaciers 3 rivers 18 lakes of which the Heavenly Lake ls one of the most famed one particular. It is also abundant in forest and animal resources Aside from the dragon spruces, there arc above 200 kinds of seed plants, 24 types of animals 50 types of birds, two sorts of reptiles, 1 kind of amphibian and 3 types of fishes offering scientists fantastic study promises in glaciers hydrology geology and alpine plants and animals. In 1980 it was authorised from the Stare as a national nature reserve.


The Tomb of Xiangfei is the most magnificent tomb in Kashgar

  Tibet Tour would like to provide some information about the scenic spots in Kashgar for tourists planning a Mt.Kailash tour from Kashgar and willing to spend certain time to explore the local culture before heading to Tibet. Idgah Mosque and Abakh Hoja Tomb are two of the must-visit cultural and historical spots in Kashgar.

The Tomb of Xiangfei is the most magnificent tomb in Kashgar, filled with history and symbolism. The tomb is commonly known among Chinese as the Tomb of Xiangfei, a Qing Dynasty Uigur woman who was seized by the Qing and forced to marry the Qianlong Emperor. However, the tomb is actually the tomb of her grandfather Bakh Hoja and his family (including Xiangfei).
Xiangfei, whose name means "Fragrant Concubine" is a great symbol to both the Uigur and Han peoples for different reasons. The Uigur see her as a Uigur herione and the Han people see her as heroine of anti-Qing and anti-feudal sentiment. Nevertheless, after Xiangfei died, which according to reports was a forced suicide ordered by the jealous Empress Dowager, her body was carried back to Abakh Hoja Tomb in Kashgar over a tedious three-year journey.
  Abakh Hoja Tomb is a national key cultural protection unit located at the east suburb of Kashgar. It is a typical ancient Islam style construction complex and also the tomb of the sayyids of Islamism. It covers an area of 2 hectors and it is reported that there were 72 people of the same family buried here though only 58 tombs were discovered here so far.
  Abakh Hoja Tomb also noted as the Tomb of the Fragrant Concubine of Emperor Qianlong of Chinese Qing Dynasty. The imperial concubine enjoyed a pleasant smell since she was born. She moved to the Imperial Palace after she was selected as a concubine by Emperor Qianlong. But she passed away in Beijing for unacclimatization and her body was transported to Kashgar and buried in Abakh Hoja Tomb. The magnificent and deluxe tombs offer tourists the chance to explore the typical Islam architectural style

Yamdrok Yumtso Lake is a salt lake of low consistency

  Yamdrok Yumtso Lake has an elegant view and it is said that a fairy maiden left the Heaven and turned into the lake on earth. You will find more than 10 islands within the lake, the large ones can hold 5 to 6 households while the small ones are only 100 square meters or so.

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  Yamdrok Yumtso Lake is a salt lake of low consistency and it begins to freeze every mid-November as well as the ice could be as thick as 0.5 meter. The lake abounds in small scale fishes, Tibetan fish,plateau carps etc, with an yearly production about 200 to 300 million kilograms. The fish breeding business has been flourishing and taken a large scale. The fish is just not only sold in Lhasa but also in inland market. Here can also be the largest habitat for water birds in north Tibet. Every winter flocks of birds are flying here from the south. Along the banks and on the islands you'll find large numbers of swans, pigeons, yellow ducks, cormorants and barhead goose.

  Legendarily, Yamdrok Lake is changed from a fairy from heaven. Also, it was said that there was a spring hole long long ago. Nearby this spring, a wealthy family settled, and there was a servant in this family named Dawa. A single day, he saved a little goldfish, and also the goldfish changed to be a beauty and rewarded him a treasure object. This thing was identified by that evil wealthy man, and he forced Dawa to look for that girl and more treasure with him. But the rich man failed, and Dawa was drowned by his evil master. That fairy girl appeared and changed to be the limitless huge tide towards the rich man, the rich man was penalized equally. Since then, a beauty lake appeared. This is surely a romantic story about the origin of Yamdrok Lake.


Tashi Lhunpo Monastery was re-established at Bylakuppe in South India in 1972


  Tashi Lhunpo began by H.H. the first Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gendun Drup, in 1447. It is among the four great monasteries of Central Tibet that was supervised and cared for through the Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas and it has the glory of creating 1000's of famous students within the area of Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy. Following the invasion of Tibet in 1959, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery was re-established at Bylakuppe in South India in 1972. The monastery has monks originating from Tibet and Himalayan regions like Spithi, Khunu, Ladakh, Ghashar and Sangkhar. At the moment you will find over 250 monks including many Tulkus (reincarnate lamas). The monks need to go through year intensive program of study of both sutra and tantra, debate, and therefore are instructed in the development of sand mandalas and butter sculpture, ritual performance, music, chanting, dance and fundamental literary abilities in Tibetan and British. Each monk should also develop a 2 to 3 month meditation retreat for each one of the principal deities and suppressors, to be able to qualify to do their traditions. Periodic retreats might require six years to accomplish.

  Since it's full title suggests in Tibetan language, Tashilhunpo Monastery may be the Heap of Glory or "the area all fortune and happiness collected". The resplendent and sumptuous Tashi Lhunpo Monastery is among the Six Large Monasteries of Gelugpa (also called Yellow Hat Sect) in Tibet, that is underneath the condition protection. It had been built-in 1447 of Ming Empire (1368-1644) after 12 years' construction, through the disciple along with the nephew (Gendun Drup, the very first Dalai lama) from the famous Buddhist philosopher Tsongkhapa, the founding father of Gelugpa. The monastery may be the traditional chair of successive Panchen Lama (the most crucial Buddhist position just second to Dalai Lama) because the 4th Panchen required charge within the monastery. Covering a place of 300 000 square meters at the moment, it had been so broadened by each Lama. It's stated the monastery was the place to find over 4000 monks and 4 tantric schools in the heyday. Areas of the Tashi Lhunpo was opened up towards the public because the early 1980?¡¥s and also the brilliant golden roofs of halls of the grand monastery could be caught within the streets far from Shigates.

Mt. Qomolangma is the highest peak in the world

Mt. Everest, also called Mt. Qomolangma, is the highest peak in the world. Its Tibetan meaning of 'Goddess the Third' adds more mysterious color and magic power to the subject. As a result, it has intrigued all kinds of people since it was first discovered. Pilgrims trek long distances to present a pious worship, climbing enthusiasts run great risks to challenge its high altitude and the common tourists also yearn for a reverent look at this holy peak.

The altitude of Mt. Everest is now about 8,844.43 m. (29,017 ft.). It is the dominant peak of Himalayas, the northern brae in Tingri County of Tibet and the southern in the Nepal. The area has 4 peaks above 8,000 m. (26,247 ft.) and 38 peaks above 7,000 m. (22,965 ft.), hence the laudatory title 'the Third Pole of the Earth'.


As with climbing from the more popular south (Nepalese) side of the mountain, permits on the Chinese side of Everest represent only a small portion of the total cost $25,000 on the low end. Even so, the risk of getting caught, having to pay a large fine, and forfeiting the expense and effort that goes into the rest of the trip usually dissuades people from attempting to climb it illegally. Plus, the vast majority of climbers enlist the services of professional guides, who wouldn¡¯t even consider signing up an unpermitted climber. Still, it does happen.

But how exactly a group of graduates of the Tibet Mountaineering Guide School (TMGS), who were working as rope fixers on behalf of all the other commercial expeditions, figured out that he was climbing without a permit, and why they decided to do what they did, remains unclear. (Attempts to reach officials at TMGS have thus far gone unanswered). The incident started at 25,500 feet. The TMGS grads confronted the Chinese climber, who wielded his ice axe as a weapon. They subdued him, bound his hands, and marched him down to the North Col at 23,000 feet.


As the supreme point of the world, Mt. Everest is also blessed with many extreme wonders. The top part of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. When the glaring sun shines on the mountain, the peak is just like a white pyramid miraculously transformed by the Goddess, leading us to imagine her semblance further. More often than not, the thick freely moving clouds and fogs, seeming as if a flag with the mast of the peak was swinging, will shroud the peak. This peculiar phenomenon of Mt. Everest is known as 'Flag Cloud'. An additional wonder generated here are the bright glaciers, where ices are formed into various shapes like bridges, pagodas and others. You can also find miles of efflorescent rock physiognomy there, such as stalagmites, stelae, stone sword, and stone pagodas. The climbing pathfinders call this splendor at such high attitude 'the Largest Park on the High Mountain'.


Namjagbarwa Peak in Nyingchi Region of Tibet Autonomous Region

  Namjagbarwa Peak in Nyingchi Region of Tibet Autonomous Region: Paradise in the Clouds. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Himalayas have been hailed as humankind's last land of mystery, and even regarded as the ''golden key'' that can open the gate of the earth. The most mysterious thing is that at each end of the Himalayas two peaks stand on the mysterious tectonic knots: at the eastern end stands Namjagbarwa and at the western end Nanga Parbat (8,125 meters), the world's ninth highest peak. They not only attach the magnificent length of the Himalayan chain to the southern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, but also fix the Eurasian plate to the Indian plate.

  The Yarlung Zangbo River has a big turn at the juncture of four counties of Nyingchi, Mainlling, Medog and Bome. To the east of the turn stands the 7,782-meter-high Namagbarwa Peak, the 15th highest peak in the world. In face of the Indian Ocean, it reflects an obvious vertical landform. In its valley is tropical rain forest and above the snow line, it is a snow world. Namjagbarwa has existed for over 700 million years. The first piece of land in the Himalayan region to emerge from the sea, it deserves its title of Number One among the Eastern Himalayan Mountains.

  On the top, snow persists throughout the year. Beneath the snow-line, there are dark green alpine plants. Further down, clumps of bushes begin to appear. Mauve azaleas in full bloom and pink primroses adorn the mountainside and large tracts of tall firs form a frigid taiga forest. In the lower edge of the taiga forest, you can see trees with larger leaves. Camphor trees are emitting a unique fragrance. At the lower venue, forests become denser. Bananas, chrysalidocarpus and other tropical plants are swaying their huge leaves. The atmosphere is full of the specific muggy air of tropical rain forest. How magical Namjagbarwa is! Because of great altitude, it has become such a good magician that varied sights can be in one same picture. No wonder it is called a world natural museum of mountain vegetation forms.

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery is seat to the Panchen Lama

  Tashi Lhunpo Monastery is seat to the Panchen Lama, the second most important spiritual leader of Tibet. In 1447 the Monastery was founded by His Holiness the 1st Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gendun Drup, in Shigatse, Tibet's second largest city. It is one of the four great monasteries of Central Tibet and was supervised and looked after by the Dalai Lamas and Panchen Lamas of the Gelugpa, or Yellow Hat tradition. It has the glory of producing thousands of renowned scholars in the field of Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy and Tantra.


  During the lifetime of the 4th Panchen Lama, Lobsang Choekyi Gyaltsen, there were more than 3,000 monks in the Monastery and by 1959 there were 5,000, with another 2,000 monks affiliated to the monastery living outside Tibet. The Communist Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959 and the Cultural Revolution from 1966-80 both wreaked destruction on Tibet's monastic institutions, which lost many precious scriptures, statues and images. Many monks were killed or imprisoned and only 250 were able to follow the Dalai Lama into exile.

  In 1972, under the patronage of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery was re-established in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka. The monastery has monks coming from Tibet and the Himalayan regions of Spithi, Khunu, Ladakh and Arunachal. Occupying a central position in the Tibetan settlement of Bylakuppe, there are over 300 monks including many Tulkus (reincarnate lamas) studying and performing various religious practices.


  Through the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery UK Trust's educational and cultural exchanges, including chanting and cham performances, the monks share our unique Tibetan culture and their special monastic tradition with people in Europe and other parts of the world. The Trust also supports the Monastery's work in India. Any assistance extended to the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will be much appreciated.


The Namtso Lake has become the hot tourist spot in Tibet

  The Namtso Lake (the Holy Lake in Tibetan minds) has become the hot tourist spot in Tibet with the increasing publicizing efforts and the constant improvements of service facilities. For years, The Tibetan Tourism authority has endeavored to make Namtso Lake become an altiplano lake eco-tourism destination with the international standard.

  According to the survey of the Lhasa Tourism Bureau, 99% of the tourists who trip to Tibet take Lhasa as their top tour destination, among the famous attractions of the Lasha area, the Namusto Lake in Dangxiong County has become the hottest one in the area.

  In Nov. 14, 2005, Namtso Lake in the Tibet Autonomous Region was selected as one of the five most beautiful lakes in China by Chinese National Geography magazine. Namtso Lake's touching beauty should not be missed by any traveler who visits Tibet. Its purity and solemnness are symbols of Qinghai-Tibet Platean. In Tibetan, Namtso means 'Heavenly Lake.' It is considered one of the three holy lakes in Tibet. Namtso is famous for its high altitude (4720 meters (about 3 miles)), vast area (1961 square kilometers (about 757 square miles) and beautiful scenery.
Placing at an elevation of 4,718 meters, and covers an area of 1,940 square kilometers, Namtso Lake ranks the second largest saltwater lake of its kind in China (after Qinghai Lake) and the highest altitude saltwater lake in the world. The water here is crystal-clear blue. Clear skies join the surface of the lake in the distance, creating an integrated, scenic vista. Soul of every visitor who has ever been here seems to be cleansed by the pure lake water.

People need to travel to various places for several reasons

  People need to travel to various places for several reasons. It might be for spending a vacation. Some people also go to a place for official or business purposes. It is also possible to come across some others who go to a tourist destination for health recovery. Before going to a place people need to do the planning and budgeting. For this purpose the web can prove to be a good resource of information. One can opt for the online travel resources and Hotels Accommodation Resources for ensuring that his travel is hassle free.

  The rates of lodging in hotels and resorts in the popular tourist destinations vary with time and demand. During the peak season the rates remain on the higher side. On the contrary, the rates take a nosedive in off seasons. It would be advisable to opt for early reservations to get cheap rates and offers. Several online travel directories offer Hotels & Resorts article and here one can find great travel tips. Different resorts and places have varying rules regarding the amount and type of baggage. In any case, one should take luggage that have wheels and are easier to carry.

  The competition in the travel industry is getting increasingly fiercer. The entry of new companies into the sector is making established ones jittery over their market share and market position. During these times, a company needs help from outside quarters, people who understand your business and can offer solutions to the problems. In short, one needs the help of top consulting firms. But the big question is- are these strategic consulting firms really helpful? Does a company really need their help in transforming its fortunes? Yes, it is when you look at the success stories of the top consulting firms and the value these firms have added to the client companies. A good executive recruiting firm can help you with the right manpower which is so very important in a service industry like travel. And there are many such examples on the utility of consulting firms. These strategic consulting firms allow a company to freely concentrate on its core process by taking care of their non-core processes. The other advantages being reduced operation costs and efficiency.


One of the remarkable landmarks is the Potala Palace erected at the Potala hills in Tibet

  Tibet travel sometimes also requires the tourists to obtain permits to enter or go beyond certain points. So, while coming here you need to make a proper preparation. Now, if you are coming with a reputed travel agency, you need not worry on this issue. The authorities in Tibet always issue travel permits whenever an authorised travel agency applies for them. Therefore, you are always advised to make a trip to Tibet with a well reputed travel agency. However, if you are travelling without any agency, you need to follow certain guidelines.

  One of the remarkable landmarks is the Potala Palace erected at the Potala hills in Tibet. The history of the palace dates back to the seventh century when King Songtsan Gambo of the Tubo dynasty planned the building of the 999 room palace to celebrate his wedding. For more than a thousand years the palace has indicated the Lhasa city and adding to the glory of the region.
  The golden roofed building, the Potala Palace is displaying a range of lofty foyers and ancient and precious artifacts. The extensive climbing hill to the palace’s entrance is slightly a rocky at first. But still it is well worth it to visit one of the great architectural masterpieces in all of China. Book your seats in flights to China and explore the gorgeous piece of architecture of Potala Palace.


What makes the Terracotta warriors in Xi'an so amazing

  What makes the Terracotta warriors in Xi'an so amazing is that each one is life size and unique? Each Deal with is diffeBook and clothing and TressesModels have individual Features. Each soldier was armed with a real bronze weapon. The charioteers had Completely Practical wooden chariots pulled by terracotta horses. Archers, spearmen, infanAttempt, charioteers, and Basics have been excavated. When new each soldier was covered with paint and had the appearance of a real army of living men. So Much over 700 warriors, 100 chariots, and 400 horses have been excavated from the four pits.

  The terracotta warriors were discovered in vaults in 1974 and are now called the Eighth World Wonder. They have their own museum with a Ground space of 20,000 square meters. Go and see the army. Standing Deal with to Deal with with the warriors is a mind-blowing experience!

  The terracotta warriors were discovered in vaults in 1974 and are now called the Eighth World Wonder. They have their own museum with a floor space of 20,000 square meters. Go and see the army. Standing face to face with the warriors is a mind-blowing experience! The Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors is one of the top selling eBooks available from Amazon’s Kindle book stores. The Kindle formatting allows the title to be read on iPads, Barnes and Noble readers, Sony readers and on laptops and computers via a PDF format. The book contain a number of sensational color photographs.

The Complete temple complex is surrounded by two cordons of walls

  The Complete temple complex is surrounded by two cordons of walls; the outer wall has a taller, semi-circular northern end, representing Heaven, and a shorter, rectangular southern end, representing the Earth. Not only is the temple surrounded by breathtaking architecture, but arguably one of the most serene parks in the Complete of Beijing is sat just beside it; Tianten Park. Here it is easy to Locate seclusion away from the Lovely temple Constructings.

  When Within there is a small enrty fee of about 25 RMB which cMore thans the gardens and the temple. There is a Incredibly pleasant walk through Lovelyly presrved gardens, which are abundent in Nearby chinese people playing an array of card ,dice Video games and just relaxing its Incredibly inteRelaxationing to see. The excitement really began way before we even rEvery singleed the Temple as we stumbled Throughout 6 elderly Chinese language program men singing in the most amazing voices, they all looked really happy and welcomed us to come and sit with them it was like a mini opera in the park. EIncredibly time I looked around I saw Additional and Additional chinese people coming to join in, until it was a choir 15 people strong all singing at the top of there voices this was truly astounding it really made my day!
  We Lastly made it through the main gate up to the temple and could se the temple standing mighty in the background with two large halls either side. The temple itself was Incredibly striking with a vivid blue base and gold top glistening in the sun some say it Appears like a blue umbrella with a gold Mind. The main temple or The imperial Vault of Heavn to give it its full title is Constructed from timber and bricks the vaults was Constructed to Spot  the memorial tables of god. Big Whitened marble railings surround which make it look even Additional magnificent. Even though your not permitted to go Within this venue the Doorstep are open so you can have a look in. The best time of day to Take a look at this Spot is Past due afternoon because its really pretty to watch the sunset behind the temple.


There are A lot of facets of the Great Wall of China

  Of the A lot of wonders of the modern Globe, few are as of10 talked about as the Great Wall of China. This ancient (though Nevertheless considered modern by historical means) structure is a major tourist attraction, with A lot of Men and women from all over the Globe making trips to China just to see the Wall.

  There are A lot of facets of the Great Wall of China that intrigue Men and women to this Day time, and they Possibly will for A lot of generations to come.
  A brief history about the Great Wall tells us that it was built over two 1, 000 Many years ago as a key to protect the agricultural lands from invasion. The wall was built in sections in between Many years by peasants, villagers and prisoners; which also reflects the reason why the different sections of the wall portray different looks Because of to the types of materials used in the construction. These materials varied from grass, stones, earth and wood. Even though the construction of the wall Started out in the early seventh century B.C., it was Past Because ofr during the Qin dynasty; the sections were Even more built and renovated to become a Entire structure. This was the Period of time when China derived its English name from the word "Qin" pronounced as "Chin".

  ToDay time, the Great Wall of China Extentiones to a length of over 6,700 kilometers winding through hills, cliffs, pPast Because ofaus and deserts from across the east coast to the northwest of China.


Traveling in Tibet can be simplified by choosing the right tours

   Traveling in Tibet can be simplified by choosing the right tours that suit your taste. The basic Tibet tours include Lhasa Sightseeing, Everest Base Camp Tour and Western Tibet Tour. Lhasa Sightseeing entails travelling around the capital and nearby regions to see the oldest and grandest monasteries in the world. In Everest Base Camp Tour, you will get a glimpse of the monasteries but will mainly focus on Tibet¡¯s land. The journey is organized to let you reach the Base Camp of the Everest. The Western Tibet Tour will open your eyes to Tibet¡¯s unspoiled western territories. You can trek around Manasarovar Lake and Mount Kailash.    

   Tibet has always been associated with peace and spirituality but it does not mean that the country lacks wonders and has nothing to offer to tourists. Being the world¡¯s largest and highest plateau, Tibet can make you feel as if you have been diverted into a different world. On top of that, Tibet travel is more convenient that you think.
   The majority of Tibet's population is native Tibetan, with good numbers of ethically related minorities and smaller numbers of ethic Chinese, Mongol and Kazakh. An agrarian society, farmers make up 90 percent of the population.


Visit Tibet Travel & Tours a popular travel operator is pleased to announce to all enthusiastic travelers

  Visit Tibet Travel & Tours a popular travel operator is pleased to announce to all enthusiastic travelers that they have are offering 21 days of Tibet mountain bike tour. It is a 21 days Lhasa to Kathmandu biking tour. This mountain bike tour has been organized for those who love to go biking through the beautiful hilly region and experience its many wonders. The entire trip will be a wonderful experience as the journey starts from Lhasa and end it in Kathmandu and the other surrounding attractions. The route for the bike tour would run westward which runs side by side to the Himalayan range. During the bike tour tourists will pass by the main passes and cross an arid plateau region. During the Tibet Mountain bike tour a detour will be taken from the major course so that the tourists are able to arrive at the Pang La pass that allows them to experience beautiful views and scenery. The main highlight of this trip is the hault at the Everest Base Camp. Tourists will be amazed as they witness the pure enormity of the Everest.

  Tibet Tourism Bureau issues the travel permit for free. However, tourist cannot directly acquire it. You must get in touch with a travel agency in Tibet to arrange for the travel permit for you. Also, travelling in Tibet must be done with a local Tibet travel guide. You will not be permitted to travel in Tibet on your own. You must book a tour and you must ensure that you are escorted when you roam around to experience the sights.

Tibet is one of the most popular vacation destination choices of many people

  Tibet is one of the most popular vacation destination choices of many people today from all over the world. Amazed by the picturesque landscape and inquisitive by the religion and culture of Tibet, there is something that makes people come back for more. If it is your first time to visit Tibet and you want to make the most of your vacation experience, you should consider opting for Tibet tour packages. What kind of holidays you look forward to? Do you want adventurous trips including mountain hiking and camping? No matter what your idea of adventure and fun, you can experience it with holiday package tours. You will be able to experience the explosion of history, culture, fun, adventure and delight all blended in perfect harmony. These tours can make your dream vacation more exciting and memorable. This is especially true if you visit Tibet where you can discover a plethora of charm, mystique and delight all around you. You can also experience the innumerable beauty created by nature and man. Whether you are visiting Tibet for pilgrimage tours, family vacations, single trips or honeymoon packages, you can find the right tour package that will suit both your pocket and your preference. With the internet available today, you now have the facility to explore variety of Tibet destinations and research more of the different international holiday packages available. You can find many travel websites offering various assortments of Tibet tours where you can rejuvenate and return with fantastic holiday memories.

  During the entire Tibet Mountain bike tour a guide, cook, and a truck support the journey. About Visit Tibet Travel & Tours Visit Tibet Travel & Tours is a reputed travel operator with years of experience in this field. The company has been organizing tours to China and Nepal besides in Tibet. The organization has registered branches in Tibet as well as in Nepal. Originally the firm is based in Tibet with a group of guides and jeeps which are used for taking tourists from one point to another during their Tibet tour. This company can conduct a Tibet tour even with 1 individual. So, having a tailor made tour is not a distant dream any longer. With Visit Tibet Travel & Tours tourists can cover all corners of Tibet. The best part is that travelers can make bookings through the Internet. If tourists have any further requirements then that will be met after the first contact. Once, the tourists let Visit Tibet Travel & Tours aware of the requirements a customized itinerary will be presented to them.